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Vonage API Help Center
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Vonage API Support
Communications API Account Management
How to get the most out of the Vonage API dashboard.
What is a Secondary API Key?
Question How can I get more API keys? Applies To Dashboard Secondary AP...
How do I update my profile name?
Objective Updating the profile name on the Vonage API account. Applies...
What should I do if I didn't receive the team member invitation email?
Symptom If you have been invited to be a team member/secondary account o...
Dashboard domain for China customers
Question I am located in China, and I have an issue accessing or using s...
How to troubleshoot network issues when sending API requests
Objective How to troubleshoot network issues when sending API requests A...
How do I update my Account Company Information and Address?
Objective Updating my account company information and address. Applies T...
Best practices for webhook/callback URL
Question What are the best practices for webhook or call-back URLs? Appl...
How to change your email address on the unified account?
Objective Change your email address in the unified account dashboard. T...
Can Secondary API key users see numbers shared in the Customer Dashboard view?
Question Can Secondary API key users see numbers shared across the prima...
What is the difference between Vonage Video API and Meetings API?
Product deprecation notice Starting on August 31st 2024, users will no...
How do I update the phone number in my Vonage API account dashboard?
Objective Changing your phone number in your Vonage API account dashboar...
Can I use virtual phone numbers to register Vonage accounts?
Question What will happen if I use a virtual number for Vonage account r...
Unable to Sign In to the API Support Help Center
Symptom Customer is unable to use the "Sign In" link in the API Support ...
How to change a secondary user to the account primary user?
Objective To switch an existing secondary user to the primary user of an...
How to change the language of dashboard?
Objective To change the dashboard language to English, Chinese Simplifie...
What should I do when I couldn't verify my number to log in the dashboard?
Symptom When I'm trying to verify the phone number of my account, I got ...
Why do I get a 401 Unauthorized error when resetting my password?
Question Why do I fail to reset my password and get a 401 error when cli...
Does dashboard allow different accounts with the same phone number?
Question Can I use the same phone number to register multiple accounts o...
How to change my API secret on the dashboard?
Objective Changing your API secret on the dashboard. Applies To API sec...
How to Give an Account API Key a Name
Objective Naming an Account API key. Applies To API Key Procedure The ...
What's the difference between a Subaccount API and Secondary Account API?
Question What's the difference between What is Subaccount API and Second...
How can I search and download a list of my voice calls?
Objective To search and download a list of previous voice calls. Applies...
Can I use special characters when entering my billing address?
Question When I enter my billing address information in my Vonage API ac...
How do I change the email address for the primary user?
Objective Updating the email address for the primary user on my Vonage A...
Creating a New Account with Registered Information Is Not Allowed
Question I deleted my old account to create a new one. Can I use the sam...
How do I change my API secret?
Objective Changing you API secret using Postman or cURL. Applies To API...
401 Unauthorized Authentication Error When Making API Requests
Symptom The request is rejected with a 401 Unauthorized authentication e...
SMS Delivery By Month Metrics Terminology
Question What do the terms in SMS Delivery By Month in the Vonage API ac...
How to Create a Public/Private Key Pair for an Application
Objective Creating a public/private key pair for a new or existing Appli...
How do I cancel or delete my Vonage API account?
Objective How can I cancel, close, terminate, or delete my Vonage API Ac...