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Vonage API Help Center
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Vonage API Support
Country-Specific Features and Restrictions
In-Country, Local, or No-CLI Calls Rejected
Taiwan Voice Features and Restrictions
Vietnam Voice Features and Restrictions
Hong Kong Voice Features and Restrictions
Issue with High Charges for Transferred Calls to UK from Unknown Calling Number
STIR/SHAKEN Caller ID Authentication and Robocalls
See all 18 articles
Inbound Voice
Information on receiving voice calls
How can I handle inbound calls to my voice-enabled virtual number?
Inbound Voice Features, Restrictions, and Capacity
Do I have to answer inbound calls?
Can I forward calls to an IP address rather than a named SIP server address?
Voice API
What is a Conversation ID?
How to configure the custom webhook timeout for Voice API functionality and what are the allowed timeout ranges ?
How do I change TTL for the Conversations and Call Legs?
Why are call progress events not being received on the Event URL defined in the conversation action NCCO?
Why is there an extended silence at the beginning of a call and how can it be reduced?
Intermittent WebSocket Disconnections
See all 45 articles
Voice Platform
What types of DTMF are supported?
Why does Caller ID show as potential spam?
Can I display my name on the receiving party's phone for outbound calls?
Which IP addresseses should I allow in order to receive voice traffic from the Vonage API Platform?
What characters can be detected via keypad input?
How many calls can I create per second?
See all 11 articles
Why does my SIP endpoint rejects the call with SIP 403 Forbidden?
Is SIP Diversion header supported?
No Audio In Programmable SIP IVR
Does Vonage support Digest Authentication for inbound calls to a SIP endpoint?
Is SIP REFER supported?
How to Create a Redundant SIP-Forwarding Configuration
See all 10 articles