Inbound Voice Features, Restrictions, and Capacity Inbound Voice Features, Restrictions, and Capacity

Inbound Voice Features, Restrictions, and Capacity

Vonage API Support


What are the features, restrictions, and capacity of inbound voice virtual numbers?

Applies To

  • Inbound Calls
  • SMS + Voice Numbers
  • Virtual Numbers
  • Limitations
  • CLI


Features and Restrictions for Inbound Voice Virtual Numbers

The following articles detail our virtual number features and restrictions applicable on a per-country basis, due to different regulatory conditions pertaining to a specific country.

Inbound Voice Channel Capacity

The inbound capacity of Voice virtual numbers depends on the country. By default we provide 50 channel capacity per number for the majority of countries, but there are a few with exceptional restrictions. If you need to a higher inbound capacity for a number, contact your account manager or submit a support request. The articles linked in the previous section have full feature and restriction details for voice-enabled virtual numbers by country.

Caller Line Identity or Caller ID

CLI (Caller Line Identity/Caller ID) for in-country originating calls is regularly tested and is confirmed to be supported for all of our virtual numbers. Generally CLI will be transferred only if the originator or caller's carrier passes the CLI transparently to our network. If the originating carrier hides CLI it cannot be transferred.

Additional Information

Pricing for both inbound voice, outbound voice, and voice-enabled virtual numbers can be found on our pricing page.