Facebook - N Time Notifications FAQs Facebook - N Time Notifications FAQs

Facebook - N Time Notifications FAQs

Maria Scieranska


Learn more about notifications on FB Messenger

Applies To

  • Jumper
  • FB Messenger Notifications

Questions and Answers

  1. Can end users have multiple notifications? For example, monthly and weekly? Or even all three types?
    Yes, each opt-in creates a separate token. (Eg. If you manage to get the opt-in of a single user for each daily, weekly and monthly notifications, you can send them messages across each notification type.

  2. Does the 24-hour standard messaging window apply to Notification Messages?
    The request to opt-in message needs to be sent within 24 hours. If the user opts in, the businesses can message the user with the token post the 24hrs window. Users can opt-in outside the 24hr windows.

  3. Is this feature available on Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp?
    No, this is limited to Facebook Messenger.

  4. Can the business use off-platform entry points to opt-in to notifications?
    Yes, the following off-platform entry points are available:
  • m.me links: m.me links is a shortened URL that redirects customers to Messenger. You can use them on your website, email newsletters, and more for customers to opt into recurring notifications.
  • Messenger Chat plugin on your website
  • Checkbox plugin: used in forms in your website for users to opt-in to receive messages from your bot in Messenger. This plugin can be used for customers to subscribe to promotional messages on a recurring basis based on the opt-in cadence.
  • Private replies via Live Chat: used to reply to post comments or visitor posts made on the business’s Page. This can be used to initiate the conversation in order for the customer to opt-in to recurring notifications.
  • Send to messenger plugin: used to start conversations from a business’s website. The CTA button on the website can be configured from a predefined list of options based on the kind of notification messages the business would want to send to its customers.
  • QR codes: used both in digital and printed out promotional messages to send recurring notifications to customers about discounts, events notifications or new product launches
  • Click to Messenger ads: run a campaign using Facebook targeting to find customers relevant to their business. When the customer clicks on the ad, an opt-in flow can be triggered to receive notifications during the campaign.