
The traffic report is a csv file attached to the email sent to you together with the invoice PDF. The traffic report is generated only if you are a Communications API, postpaid customer and provides billing information in the most granular level of detail.

Here an example:


How do I access my traffic report

The traffic report is attached to the automatic email sent to you with the PDF (the csv file is zipped to reduce space).

How to read

The traffic report is an expansion of the usage detail section of the PDF invoice:

  • It only contains API usage information
  • It does not contain any information about recurring or one-off charges

Like the usage detailed section of the PDF invoice, the traffic report provides information per each API Key that is included in the PDF.

The usage date is always the first day of the month when the usage is made.

The product group and SKU match exactly the categories and subcategories names shown on the PDF invoice.

E.g. in this screenshot of the detailed usage section of the PDF:

  • The categories are “Messages API Usage” or “Numbers recurring charges” which will appear with the same name in the traffic report under the third column
  • The subcategories include: “Platform fee”, “Whatsapp Business initiated”, “Long Code Number (Voice & SMS”), and will appear with the same name in the traffic report under the fourth column

The country code and country names are populated only if relevant for that product:

  • For SMS, Voice, Number, Verify and other products this is relevant since also pricing varies per country
  • For IP-based products such as IP Calls, ASR, Reports API, the country information is not relevant and appears as NULL in the traffic report

The network code, network name and network type are only populated for Telco products such as SMS and Voice.

The currency is the same as the PDF currency.

The quantity is the total volume for that line item, for example:

  • For SMS this is the number of SMS messages sent / received to the specific country and network
  • For Whatsapp and other IP messaging services it is the count of messages to that particular country
  • For Voice this is the number of minutes

The usage is the monetary amount charged, without any applicable tax applied. The tax amount is only shown on the front page of the invoice.

The invoice number column is populated with the relevant invoice number the charges are relating to, allowing you to combine multiple traffic reports from different months (or store all of them in a single location) and easily identify which invoice the charges apply to

Frequently asked questions

What does 'null' mean in my traffic report?

This means that the information not relevant for that particular product / product type (e.g. country or network is not a relevant information for most IP-based products)

Related Pages

Please also refer to the usage detail section of the invoice.