
With auto-reload enabled on your Vonage API account, the reload attempt fails after the balance threshold has been triggered.

Applies To

  • Auto-Reload
  • PayPal
  • Credit Card Payments


When auto-reload payments fail, we make two additional attempts before disabling auto-reload on your account. We do this to ensure that there is no excessive debiting of your PayPal account or credit card.

If auto-reload fails and is disabled, you will receive a notification email including a PayPal error code if you are using PayPal as the payment method. See the error code list below.

Before re-enabling auto-reload, make sure the reason behind the error code has been resolved by contacting either PayPal or your credit card provider.

The table below details the most common error codes that are encountered with auto-reload.

Error Code Short Message Long Message Additional Information
10422 Customer must choose new funding sources. The customer must return to PayPal to select new funding sources. Use a different funding source.
10069 Payment refused due to risk; user notification necessary. Payment could not be completed due to a sender account issue. Please notify the user to contact PayPal Customer Support. PayPal declined the transaction. Contact PayPal Customer Service for more information.
11091 The transaction was blocked as it would exceed the sending limit for this buyer. The transaction was blocked as it would exceed the sending limit for this buyer. PayPal declined the transaction. Contact PayPal Customer Service for more information.
10507 Invalid configuration. This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service. PayPal declined the transaction. Contact PayPal Customer Service for more information.
11457 Referenced transaction or order is too old. The Reference ID refers to a transaction or order that is more than 730 days old. Make a new manual transaction and re-enable auto-reload.
10201 Agreement canceled. Billing Agreement was cancelled. The billing agreement has been cancelled and you need to create a new one. Make a new manual transaction and re-enable auto-reload.
10417 Transaction cannot complete. Retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customer's PayPal wallet. The transaction did not complete with the customer's selected payment method. Account not associated with a usable funding source. A credit card or Billing Agreement is required to complete payment. PayPal is unable to process the payment. Contact PayPal Customer Service for more information.