How does Vonage API Support handle incidents with the Video API?
Applies To
- Video API
- Incident Handling
We understand how critical the Vonage Video API platform is for our customers. We strive to ensure the highest possible stability and reliability. Despite the best efforts of the team, and our suppliers, incidents can still occasionally occur. In these cases our approach is to ensure:
- We’re quick - Resolving the incident as quickly as possible.
- We are transparent - Keeping customers informed about any incident that impacts them as quickly as possible on our Status Page.
- We’re thoughtful - Analysing every incident carefully after resolution in a post-mortem investigation, to understand:
- What caused the incident?
- How can we prevent similar incidents recurring?
- How might we improve our handling of future incidents?
This analysis is used to drive future product development and process improvements.
For high impact incidents, our post-mortems analyses are summarised and published. Once the incident has been resolved, our timeline for communications will be the following:
- 10 business days after resolution: Having conducted a thorough internal investigation, we’ll have identified all the root causes in detail, and built more robust plans for improvements. We will then provide a full post-mortem analysis, including a summary of the actions taken or planned.
Articles in this section
- How do I create and manage my Video API applications in the Unified Environment
- Unable to activate enterprise "Allowed IP list" feature for Vonage
- Activating Two Factor Authentication on Your Opentok Video API Account
- How to Add Users, Remove Users and Manage User Permissions?
- Can I create multiple sub-projects within a single Video API project in my Opentok Video API account?
- How do I change my Vonage Video API Account name?
- How do I change the preferred video codec for my video project or application?
- How do I check the countries where my application is being used and quality per country?
- How do I check the Video Express usage?
- How do I generate a session ID using the Vonage Video API (Opentok Environment) project dashboard?