Switching from Standard to Enterprise Environment via Vonage Video Account Dashboard Switching from Standard to Enterprise Environment via Vonage Video Account Dashboard

Switching from Standard to Enterprise Environment via Vonage Video Account Dashboard

Maria Scieranska


Switch from Standard to Enterprise environment and vice versa through the Vonage account portal.

Applies To

  • Vonage Video API
  • Vonage Video Account Portal
  • Enterprise Environment
  • Standard Environment


  1. Log in to your account portal.
  2. From the left menu, select a Project.
  3. Scroll down to Project Settings.
  4. Click Edit, then select the Advanced settings option.
  5. From here, you will see the drop-down menu for the Server Environment.
  6. Select Enterprise Environment.
  7. Click Save.

Additional Information

Switching from Standard to Enterprise environment and vice versa is only applicable for users who are under the Enterprise plan. Standard users do not have this functionality. If you are a Standard user and want to Enterprise, contact Sales to enquire about this option.

Once the you have chosen the Enterprise environment, the change will not take effect immediately as the system needs to update overnight and sync the changes on API keys to their corresponding config.json to reflect the newly chosen environment of Enterprise Servers.

Once these changes are pushed through, your account will be moved to the Enterprise environment.