How do I generate a token using the project dashboard How do I generate a token using the project dashboard

How do I generate a token using the project dashboard

Maria Scieranska


To generate a token using the project dashboard.

Applies To

  • Vonage Video API
  • Project
  • Token


  1. Log in to your Vonage Video Account.
  2. From the left menu, choose Projects.
  3. From the Projects menu, select your Video project.
  4. Inside the project, scroll down until you reach the Project Tools section, you will be able to see the Generate Token section.
  5. Paste the Session ID that you have generated in the Session ID field. Kindly see this link for creating a session ID.
  6. Choose the Role that you want to assign to the token. (Publisher, Subscriber, Moderator). 
  7. Pick an expiration time for the token, maximum option is 30 days.
  8. Put in optional connection data that you wish to add to the token.
  9. Click on Generate Token.

Additional Information

For more information on token creation, expiration time and connection data please refer to our developer documentation on creating a token.