How do I change the email address for the primary user? How do I change the email address for the primary user?

How do I change the email address for the primary user?

Vonage API Support


Updating the email address for the primary user on my Vonage API account.

Applies To

  • Email
  • Primary User
  • Account Dashboard
  • Communications API
  • Video API Unified Environment


To change the primary user's email address:

  1. Log in to your Vonage API account dashboard as a primary user.
  2. From the left menu, select your username.
  3. Select My Profile.
  4. In the Email field, update the email address.
  5. Select Save Changes.
  6. Log in with the new email address to make sure you can access the account.

Additional Information

Please note that you're not allowed to change the account email address to an email address that is used by another account. So if you would like to transfer the ownership of the primary account to a secondary user, please refer to this procedure How to change a secondary user to the account primary user?