Fraud Prevention using Verify Fraud Prevention using Verify

Fraud Prevention using Verify

Support Team


Preventing fraud using the Verify API.

Applies To

  • Verify API
  • Fraud Prevention


Monitor your Verify traffic on a regular basis:

  • Monitoring your conversion rates is a good start to prevent misuse because any sudden, drastic drop in conversion rates could be an indication of fraud. The conversion rate is calculated using the number of successful attempts by the total number of attempts (# of success verifications / # of total verifications).
  • You can monitor your Verify traffic in the Vonage API account dashboard under Verify > Analytics.
  • You can also keep track of your conversion rate based on the response you receive from the platform. Learn how to track your Verify usage.

Additional Information

For more information, see our guide on Best Security Practices for Your Vonage API Account.