Why is my Verify SMS or TTS call not in the primary language of my destination country? Why is my Verify SMS or TTS call not in the primary language of my destination country?

Why is my Verify SMS or TTS call not in the primary language of my destination country?

Nexmo Support


Why is the Verify SMS or TTS call not delivered in the primary language of my destination country?

Applies To

  • Verify API
  • SMS
  • TTS


If you do not specify a locale within the request, the product (upon determining the country for the Verification) identifies all the languages spoken in the region and picks the most appropriate language available.

If the primary language is not listed in our documentation, the SMS and TTS call will default to using "en-us" as the language for the TTS call, and US-english for the SMS.

For the US and Canada, the SMS is sent over Short Code, so it will always be in English.

Additional Information

For more information, see the developer documentation for the lg parameter and Verify Languages.