I have received a Verify Check API response code 17 (A wrong code was provided too many times). How many times is too many?
Applies To
- Verify API
- PIN Code
- Response Code 17
A single Verify request can be checked up to 3 times using the Verify Check API call unless a new PIN code is generated.* If you check a request more than 3 times, it will be set to FAILED and you'll not be able to check it any more (even if you get the right PIN in the end).
We do this to prevent abuse and as part of safeguarding the security the Vonage Verify service for all our customers.
*Note: If a new PIN code is generated on the retry based on pin_expiry setting, there will be 3 more attempts available.
Articles in this section
- What is the Verify Anti-Fraud System?
- Error 15 on Verify API Request
- Understanding the error code 409 when creating a Fragment for Custom Template in Verify API V2.
- What are the charges for using Verify API V2?
- Where do I find the Verify API Voice Call Logs?
- How fast can I send Verify API requests?
- Can I provide my own PIN/Code numbers in Verify API v2?
- How do I find the Vonage Verify API Request IDs?
- Error 20 on Verify API v1 Request
- Why is my Verify TTS call not ringing?