What happens if my Vonage API account balance reaches zero?
Applies To
- Account Balance
- Phone Numbers
- Low Balance
When your account balance reaches zero, you will no longer be able to use our APIs. If you have purchased a Phone Number from Vonage and the monthly payment for this is due while your account balance is zero, the subscription will be cancelled. If your numbers are cancelled, you have a 90 day period to buy them back before they are offered to other customers.
Additional Information
Turn on Auto reload to automatically add more credit to your account whenever it gets too low.
Turn on low balance notifications in Your Notification Settings so that you can be reminded to top up your account.
Articles in this section
- How do I set up automatic payments?
- How Does Vonage Billing Work?
- Origin-Based Surcharges on Calls to UK Numbers
- Subscription charges deduction date change
- WhatsApp Conversation Based Pricing Changes 2023
- Auto-Reload Failed with Error Code
- Auto-Reload Not Working with PayPal
- Bank Transfer Refund Process
- Billing Inquiries and Disputes - Communications API products
- Can I make a payment in my own country currency?