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Video API
How can I reduce the file size of Composed Archives?
Question How can I reduce the file size of composed archives? Applies To...
Can we set up two separate Experience Composer sessions?
Questions Can we set up two separate Experience Composer sessions with d...
File Format with Archive Encryption
Question What is the file Format with Archive Encryption? Applies To Ar...
Individual Stream Archive Manifest CreatedAt Attribute Incorrect
Symptom The individual stream archive manifest createdAt attribute is in...
What are the attributes of the Vonage Video Composed Archive Codecs?
Question What are the various attributes of the Vonage Video composed ar...
How Much Storage Space is Needed for a 1-Minute Archive?
Question What is the required storage space for archiving a 1-minute vid...
How to Configure a FIPS Compliant Amazon S3 Storage Container for Archiving
Objective Configure an Amazon S3 FIPS (Federal Information Processing St...
How to Configure Archive Monitoring Callbacks
Objective Configuring the archive monitoring callbacks to receive notifi...
What happens if a custom archiving layout is applied to an invalid stream?
Question What happens if an invalid or misspelt stream ID was used in th...
What are the limitations of the archiving functionality?
Question What are the limitations of the Vonage Video API archiving func...
How does archiving work and how can I configure it?
How to recognise if I'm using Vonage Video API Unified Environment or Vo...
What does Size "Not Available" mean in Archive Inspector?
Question When using the Archive Inspector tool, you might sometimes see ...
Accessing Recordings When Using Vonage Video API Demo
Objective Accessing the recording for a Video API demo session. Applies ...
How do I download an archive from the Vonage Video API Cloud?
Objective Downloading an archive from the Vonage Video API Cloud. Applie...
Where are the archive files stored in our S3 bucket?
Question How are the archive files stored in our S3 bucket? Applies To ...
Archiving Error- Session is already composed for given tag with code 409
Symptom An error is thrown with the message "Session is already composed...
Why do my sessions with similar time duration have varying archive file sizes?
Question What factors contribute to the file size of an archive? Applie...