What are the limitations of the archiving functionality? What are the limitations of the archiving functionality?

What are the limitations of the archiving functionality?

Vonage API Support


What are the limitations of the Vonage Video API archiving functionality?

Applies To

  • Archiving
  • Video API
  • Routed Sessions


The Vonage Video API platform allows you to record any routed (non-P2P) session. P2P sessions don't go through the Vonage Video Media Router, thus it's not possible to record them.

Maximum Number of Publishers

The recommended number of publishers to include in an archive is 5 to 6, but you can record up to 16 video streams in a single composed archive. You can record up to 50 audio streams in a single composed archive. For individual stream recordings you can record 50 audio and video streams. See Individual stream and composed archives for more information.

What happens if a 17th video publisher joins during the archiving?

If a 17th video publisher joins the session being archived as a composed archive, this stream will not be included in the archive.

Maximum Length of an Archive

The maximum recorded length of an archive is 4 hours (14,400 seconds). This recorded length refers to the cumulative time in which streams are published (and being recorded). See the developer documentation for more information.