Accessing Recordings When Using Vonage Video API Demo Accessing Recordings When Using Vonage Video API Demo

Accessing Recordings When Using Vonage Video API Demo

Maria Scieranska


Accessing the recording for a Video API demo session.

Applies To

  • Vonage Video API
  • Demo Sessions
  • Recordings


Vonage Video provides a demo meeting application online. Users can record a demo meeting. Sometimes, users forget to save the recording before leaving the session. Recordings can be accessed even after closing the session window.

  1. Replace <meeting_room_name> with the name of the meeting room you wish to download a recording for and add /info to the end of the url, for example,<meeting_room_name>/info.
  2. From this webpage, locate and copy the Session ID of the meeting.
  3. Using the Session ID copied in the previous step, use the Archive Inspector to get the archive ID corresponding to the session.
  4. Access the archive by going to<archiveID>, where you will be able to download the archive.