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Generic SMS KB articles
Vonage Opt-Out Assist
Overview Opt-Out Assist is a built-in keyword management service that Vo...
Toll-Free Number Changes Oct 1, 2022 (FAQ)
Starting October 1st, 2022, there are changes to 8XX toll-free verifi...
Sprint/T-Mobile Network Changes
Question: What are Sprints/T-mobiles Network Changes When does this cha...
SMS Verizon Pass-through Fees
Question: What are Verizon Pass-through Fees When does this change go i...
Setting a Validity Period (TTL) for SMS/MMS
Question: What is a Validity Period How do I setup a Validity Period Be...
What encoding standards does Vonage support?
Question What encoding standards does Vonage support in SMS? Applies To ...
How to check that I trust Vonage TLS Certificate?
Objective How do I check my local environment trusts the Root CA used ...
Number Pools
What are number pools? Number Pools are lists of numbers (LVNs) that a c...
Vonage SMS Message IDs
Question How do I find the Vonage SMS Message ID? Applies To SMS API A...
What is SMS EU data center isolation?
Overview Vonage EU data center (DC) isolation enables customers to keep ...