South Korea Voice Features and Restrictions South Korea Voice Features and Restrictions

South Korea Voice Features and Restrictions

Subrata Swain


Local Korean numbers cannot be used as the CLI to send traffic towards South Korea unless you purchase dedicated Korean number from Vonage.

You cannot add a plus sign (+) to CLI.

When calling from overseas, callers should see the international telephony carrier’s prefix and calling number, for example, if US number 14155551212 is calling a South Korean number, CLI added with a prefix shows up as 006 14155551212.

Prefixes for different carriers:

  • KT 001
  • LGU 002
  • SK Telink 006


No limitations beyond those in our Acceptable Use Policy.

Other Features or Restrictions

No limitations beyond those in our Acceptable Use Policy.

Additional Information

For more information, see the Voice Numbers Features Overview.