How long is my JSON Web Token valid for? How long is my JSON Web Token valid for?

How long is my JSON Web Token valid for?

Vonage API Support


When does my JWT expire?

Applies To

  • JSON Web Token
  • Token Expiration


When generating your JWT for use with Vonage's products, you can set the expiration time (exp) as you wish. The maximum time Vonage will honor is 24 hours, and we will not accept the same token if it is more than 24 hours after the issued at time (iat), regardless of whether the expiration time indicates it to be valid still.

If an expiration time (exp) has not provided, then Vonage will accept the token for 15 minutes only, rejecting anything after this period.

If both an issued at time (iat) and an expiration time (exp) has not provided, then Vonage will reject the token.