Bangladesh SMS Features and Restrictions Bangladesh SMS Features and Restrictions

Bangladesh SMS Features and Restrictions

Marcus Tan

Country Summary

Country Name Bangladesh
Country Code 880
Region Asia
MCC (Mobile country code) 470


Sender ID Guidelines

Alphanumeric Sender ID
  • *47001 Grameenphone, 47002 Robi Axiata & 47004 Teletalk: Sender ID registration is required. Message content must contain the brand name that matches with sender ID. Non-registered sender IDs will be blocked.
  • Other networks: Alphanumeric sender IDs are supported.
Numeric Sender ID

Numeric sender IDs are not supported.

Generic Sender ID Generic sender IDs such as INFO, SMS, NOTICE etc are prohibited.


*To initiate the Sender ID registration process, please check Global Sender ID Portal or contact your account manager or support


Use-Case & Content Guidelines

Content Filtering Operators are heavily filtering on spam and sensitive keywords in content, for example, "police" is prohibited to be mentioned in SMS content.
Marketing Traffic Before sending any marketing traffic, opt-in consent is required from handset users.


Additional Information

P2P traffic is prohibited.

No political, religious, unsolicited promotion, or gambling content.

There are no additional content restrictions beyond those in our Acceptable Use Policy.