How can I edit the numbers forwarded to my applications for the Voice API? How can I edit the numbers forwarded to my applications for the Voice API?

How can I edit the numbers forwarded to my applications for the Voice API?

Vonage API Tech Support


Setting up or editing the numbers forwarded to applications for the Voice API.

Applies To

  • Voice API
  • Number Forwarding


To forward a virtual number to an application in the Dashboard:

  1. Go to your applications.
  2. Select the application you want to forward a number to.
  3. Then use the Linked Numbers tab to view the list of virtual numbers that you own.
  4. Click Link on the number that you wish to forward to this application.

Alternatively, you can use the Numbers API to update the voiceCallbackType to app and the voiceCallbackValue to your Application ID.

Note that to forward a number to an application, both need to be assigned to the same account.