What does the Portal do?
You can view Sender ID Country requirements, and submit your own requests for SMS Sender ID registrations, using Vonage’s Global Sender ID Portal, accessed via the Customer Dashboard. At the moment, this is just a one-way tool, where submissions will be sent to the Vonage team to implement, and any follow up or further clarifications will be handled by your Account Manager. You will receive email status updates for submitted requests.
How do I request a new Sender ID Registration?
Refer to the steps detailed in our other page to raise a Sender ID registration request. Please note, each Sender ID registration request is for a specific country and use case.
Are Sender ID registration country and use-case specific?
Yes, every country and use case has its own specific requirements. However, not all countries and/or use cases require pre-registration of Sender IDs. You can find out the country specific requirements in the Country Lookup section of the Portal, or refer to our country articles.
Why is my requested country or use case not available to select?
Not all countries or use cases require pre-registration of Sender IDs. If a country or use case is not listed as available to select, then it does not support Sender ID registrations. Please refer to the relevant country article for best practices when sending traffic to your desired country.
Can I submit requests for multiple countries at the same time?
We do not currently support multi-country Sender ID registrations in a single request as every country has very different requirements. If you need to register for multiple countries, please complete the submission for the first country and then return to the same place and submit another request for the next country of your interest.
What are the rules that define a Sender ID?
- Sender ID must include 3 to 11 characters, and follow one of the options below:
- Numeric only - includes numbers 0-9, special characters are not allowed
- Alphanumeric or Alphabetic - includes numbers 0-9, upper and lower-case letters and some special characters (space, comma, hyphen and underscore). ASCII special characters (e.g. #, @) are not allowed.
- For Saudi Arabia, if you send promotional messages, your Sender ID needs to have an '-AD' suffix.
- For Jordan, if you send promotional messages, your Sender ID needs to have an 'ADV' prefix.
- For UAE, if you send promotional messages, your Sender ID needs to have an 'AD-' prefix.
- For Mexico and Russia, spaces are not supported.
How do I track the progress of my Sender ID request?
You can view the status of your Sender ID request on the Global Sender ID Dashboard, on the “Applications” screen, using the “Status” column. Explanation of each status is below:
- Draft: the application is not yet submitted and mandatory information is missing
- Canceled: the application has been canceled by the user
- In Progress: the application has been submitted to Vonage, and is pending Vonage to action the request
- Completed: the Sender ID request has been approved by Vonage
- Rejected: the Sender ID request has been rejected by Vonage
What do I do after my Sender ID registration is complete?
To start using your Sender ID once registration is complete, you will need to update your SMS API configuration as detailed here.
Why has my Sender ID request been rejected?
If your Sender ID is rejected, it may be because your request lacked necessary information, and the network operator rejected the request. You can resubmit another request by following the same steps for the same country, being careful to share all correct and up-to-date information. If you need more support, please contact your Account Manager or our Support Team.
Who do I reach out to if I am having issues with my Sender ID registration?
If you experience any issues with the Portal, or would like to share any thoughts or feedback, please contact your Account Manager or our Support Team.
Articles in this section
- SMS Best Practices During COVID-19 for Users Sending Traffic to North America
- Troubleshooting SMS Delivery
- Global Sender ID Portal - FAQs
- Global Sender ID Registration Guide
- Recommended Sender ID option for A2P Alert and Transactional Messages to US Virtual Numbers
- Partner Quota Violation Error
- SMS Delivery Failure Error 95 - Unknown
- DLR Statuses
- Is USSD supported via SMS for the SMS API?
- What countries require STOP management for recipient opt-out?