Colombia Local Number Prefix Change Colombia Local Number Prefix Change

Colombia Local Number Prefix Change

Jessica Chapin


What changes are being made to Colombian local phone numbers and how does it affect my Vonage API account?

Applies To

  • Colombian Local Numbers
  • Voice


Between September and December 2021, the Colombian Communications Regulations Commission is implementing single national dialing throughout Colombia. This impacts Vonage users with local Colombian voice numbers.

Added Prefix

Local Colombian numbers are changing to include 60 as the prefix before the area code.


  • Existing number format: 5712345678
  • New number format: 576012345678


The new number format will be usable and available in your Vonage API account as of 1 October 2021. Until 30 November 2021, both the old and new number formats will work. As of 1 December 2021, the old number format will be removed from your account and may no longer work for local calls. International calls may work with the old number format until 31 January 2022.

Action Required

You will need to update your Colombian local voice numbers wherever your users access them prior to 1 December 2021.

  • If you have a Colombian local number, you should update any website or other directory listings to reflect the additional prefix once the change is live.
  • Create or copy apps onto your updated numbers between 1 October and 30 November 2021.
  • If applicable, update any Colombian Caller Line Identification (CLI) instances used for outbound calls.
  • In places where users access your number via hyperlink or dialer software, users may hear a dead line if the numbers are not updated in those locations by 30 November.


To allow for usage charges to be covered, a billed subscription will be applied to both your old and new number formats. You will receive monthly credit refunds of the cost of the additional numbers for October and November 2021.

Additional Information

For more information, see the statement from the Colombian Communications Regulations Commission. If you have questions about this change, contact your account manager or submit a Support request.