I'm having an issue completing the Facebook Business Verification process.
Applies To
- Facebook Business Verification
- Vonage Messages and Dispatch API
Below are some common issues users face when attempting to complete Facebook Business Verification for use with WhatsApp and the Vonage Messages and Dispatch API.
Issue | Interpretation |
FB suggests using phone confirmation instead of email | This is because FB can’t confirm that the business owns the email domain and that the requester works for the business. But FB can confirm that the business owns the phone number, so please verify by receiving a code on your phone number. |
Business and confirmed phone do not match | The phone number used for verification does not match the business phone number provided in Business Details or documents. Note that the business phone number used here is completely separate to the number you will use with WhatsApp |
Website content and business don’t match | Facebook can’t confirm that the business owns the website (used for email verification) because the website does not contain the legal business name. |
Business and email domain don’t match | Facebook can’t confirm that the business owns the email domain. Facebook will need documentation showing proof of purchase or ownership. |
Legal name and address: documents are unacceptable or do not match | A document submitted for the address verification is insufficient because it does not contain the legal name, the address provided in Business Manager does not match the address in the doc, etc. |
Solutions to Problems with the Business Verification Process
- You are not receiving the verification code sent via email.
- The final step of the verification process is confirming a 6 digit code sent via email - note that the email will be sent from Facebook.
- When prompted what email address to send the code to, you must use a business email address - i.e., with your business domain, not Gmail etc. It will then show “Code has been sent to”.
- If you do not receive the email, it may be because your business’ firewalls or other security systems are blocking all emails from Facebook. Try speaking to your IT team about releasing the email.
- You receive a popup notification saying “You are verified”, however, Business Manager Settings information indicates "Unverified."
- This pop up can be misleading and is not always completely accurate.
- Navigate to the Business Manager Settings, Business Info page. and under the verification status, it will show “continue application” or something similar.
- There is most likely a step that you have missed out, and still needs to be completed. You will need to go back through all the steps, clicking through each one, to see where information is still needed.
- “Start Verification” button is greyed out.
- When going to start your verification process, sometimes the button “start verification” is greyed out, and cannot be clicked. This happens because Business Managers only need to be verified when the business has “assets” assigned to it. These assets may be in various different forms.
- When we create a WABA for you, this WABA counts as an “asset”. So once we have created your WABA, and you have accepted the Jewel Notification, you should then be able to click the “start verification” button.
- Therefore, to resolve this, all we need is for you to complete the WA Application Form, so we can create a WABA for you, then you must accept the Jewel Notification.
Additional Information
For more information, see How to Verify Your Business with Facebook.
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