Accepting the Jewel Notification from Vonage for the WhatsApp Business API.
The jewel is a notification that customers will receive in their Meta Business Portfolio. Approving it is the first step in continuing with the Vonage-managed onboarding process.
The process for accepting the Jewel Notification is outlined below:
Applies To
- WhatsApp Vonage Managed Onboarding
Note: Only Facebook Administrators of the Business Manager will be able to view and approve requests.
1. Once you have filled out the form mentioned here our onboarding team creates the WhatsApp Business Account on your behalf, you will then receive an email like the one below:
2. You will need to go to your end customer’s Business Portfolio, NOT Vonage’s. This means, that on the main Meta Business Portfolio page, you will see the customer’s name in the upper left corner of the screen as shown below:
3. On the Meta Business Portfolio page, navigate to the Requests sub-menu and select the Received tab.
4. Select Approve to approve the request from Vonage regarding the WhatsApp Business API.
5. Once this is approved, please update the onboarding team in the same email thread where you received Vonage's confirmation request.
Additional Information:
Getting Started with WhatsApp and Vonage Messages API: Managed Onboarding
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