Australia Voice Features and Restrictions Australia Voice Features and Restrictions

Australia Voice Features and Restrictions

Subrata Swain


In 2021, the Australian Communications and Media Authority implemented the Reducing Scam Calls Code. As part of code enforcement, invalid CLIs are blocked. To comply with these regulations, Vonage has established the below rules for our filtering software.


  • Calls from 1300 Numbers: CLIs starting with 1300 cannot be used for originating calls.
  • Calls from 1800 Numbers: CLIs starting with 1800 cannot be used for originating calls.
  • Calls from 1900 Numbers: CLIs starting with 1900 cannot be used for originating calls. 
  • Calls from Long CLIs 13 digits or more: Numbers which have either 13 digits or more.
  • Calls from Short CLIs 7 digits or less: Numbers which have either 7 digits or less.
  • Calls from Invalid AU CLIs: Numbers which start with the Australian country code but have an incorrect length, incorrect area code, or are from an un-provisioned/invalid range.

Long Virtual Number (LVN) Subscription

For new Australian LVN subscriptions, please note that the self-service buying of numbers is currently unavailable for Australia on Vonage's Customer Dashboard. However, customer can still request for new LVNs from Customer Dashboard by filling and submit the required information. After the request is reviewed and there is no issue, the new LVN will be reserved for customer. If it is a landline LVN, customer will be asked for their Australia address. If it is a mobile LVN, customer will be asked to submit the Letter of Authorization (LOA). After receiving the address information or LOA (whichever applicable), the LVN will be subscribed to customer. If the mobile LVN will also be used for SMS, please refer to this article.


No limitations beyond those in our Acceptable Use Policy.

Other Features or Restrictions

No limitations beyond those in our Acceptable Use Policy.

Additional Information

For more information, see the Voice Numbers Features Overview.