How are STOP requests handled on the Alerts pre-approved short code? How are STOP requests handled on the Alerts pre-approved short code?

How are STOP requests handled on the Alerts pre-approved short code?

Vanessa Perez


How does Vonage manage STOP requests for the Alerts pre-approved short code?

Applies To

  • SMS
  • Alerts API
  • Subscriptions


If a user texts STOP to one of your messages (or end, quit, cancel, unsubscribe), Vonage will manage the opt-out by blacklisting the number and sending the STOP MT you created in your application. If you have a webhook URL set up, Vonage will send you the STOP MO as it is received.

Additional Information

For more information on how unsubscribe requests are handled and how you can manage them, see the developer documentation for Alerts Subscribing API Reference.