US Short Code leases must include end-customer (Brand) and reseller (Content Provider when applicable) information
The CTIA and US Short Code Registry require new information from end-customers (Brands) and resellers (Content Providers) to undergo vetting checks to lease short codes and route mobile messages. Aegis Mobile has partnered with CTIA to authenticate the identities of participants utilizing US short codes.
- Effective March 31, 2025, existing US short codes must be successfully verified, or will be subject to a non-compliance audit and may be suspended or deprovisoned
- All new short code leases will only be made available after both end-customer (Brand) and reseller (Content Provider) have been successfully verified
Brand and Reseller information required *
- Short Code Number (if known)
Legal Entity Name*
- Parent company or organization name must exactly match as it appears in the IRS EIN Confirmation Letter, or W9 form
- Subsidiaries and Legal Affiliates that will be using the short code for messaging
- Doing Business As (dba) if applicable
Legal Entity Type*
- Select one: Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), Partnership, S Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, or Other (specify)
- State of Incorporation (if in US), or Country of Registration (if international)*
Federal Tax ID*
- Tax ID or Employee Identification Number (EIN) should match the exact Legal Entity Name registered with the IRS which can be found in the EIN Confirmation Letter, or W9 form
- Website URL* (should match the legal entity name)
Legal Entity Registered Address*
- Street Address, City, State/Province/Region, Zip/Postal Code, Country
- Address must be the same as what is registered with the IRS, or W9 form
Legal Entity Point of Contact*
- First Name, Last Name. Title, Phone Number, Email Address (domain should match legal entity name, website URL or dba name)
- Stock Market Symbol (if publicly traded)
- DUNS, GIIN, LEI (if applicable)
New requirement expected to protect users
This process will help protect mobile device users from increasing threats of Spam, scams and fraud.
It also provides a direct relationship between the Brand and each code's messaging program.
- Vonage helps facilitate this process for short code lease customers
- Each Brand will only be vetted once, however a verify email will be sent annually per short code
- In the event of a lease transfer (migration), the Brand will need to submit a new vetting request with the new lease holder
- There is no additional charge for this feature
Vetting process overview
After Vonage submits end-customer (Brand) information, the vetting third-party will initially review:
- Legal name matches TaxID or EIN
- Brand contact email address is valid
- Brand Pemail domain matches the company's website URL
- If these criteria are not met, an Incompltee status will be issue without further processing
Once the above criteria are met, the Brand's contact will receive an email from Aegis Mobile ( The email will contain a PIN and instructions how to complete the verify step. Be sure to check your junk mail folder if not seen when notified.
The email verification PIN is valid for 7 days. A reminder will be sent 48 hours before thre PIN expires. If the PIN expires, Aegis Mobile will send a second and final PIN.
While the Brand contact completes the PIN verification, the vetting third-party will continue to review the other Brand details at the same time. After email verification, the information is then vetted.
Additionally, reseller (Content Provider) company information must be captured so resellers must provide their information when short codes are leased.
Initial vetting targets a 72 business hour processing time, with resubmissions permitted over a 10 business day time frame if vetting is incomplete and unsuccessful submissions get two appeals to be successful.
For more process information, click this link, Registry Vetting Process, CTIA
Vetting status
Successful Status
- Indicates vetting was completed with acceptable results. This status lasts for one year, after which time an email verify renewal is sent to continue the short code lease.
Incomplete Status
- Indicates certain information does not meet the minimum requirements for completeing vetting activity. Must provide correct information within 10 days and 2 additional resubmissions are premitted and then the status will be updated to unsuccessful.
Unsuccessful Status
- Indicates the vet status was not resolved or that there are unallowable risk levels based on discovered past behaviors.
- Match Tax ID (or EIN) and Legal Entity Name shown on first-line only of CP-575 notice (EIN confirmation letter issued by the IRS)
- Match Email Address and Website URL (should be traceable to the Legal Entity Name)
- If Address information is not entered exactly as it appears in the IRS EIN Confirmation Letter, or W9 form, then the Brand or Content Provider will be left in an “Incomplete” status and will not be able to lease or extend the short code until the issue is resolved
- For entities with international presence, specify the related Tax ID and the Country of Registration
- For entities in Canada, provide the first 9 numeric digits of the Business Number (BN-9) when providing Brand details
For additional details, visit our Short Code How-To article here.
For any questions, please contact your Account Manager, or email
Why are updates being made to the US Short Code Registry?
The US Short Code Registry added new data fields to enhance the vetting of common short code leases for Brands (end-customers) and Content Providers (resellers).
To reduce increasing threats of Spam, scams and fraud, these updates are designed to protect consumers and improve the data on record with the carriers for enhanced vetting and monitoring purposes.
Who are Brands?
Brands are the end-customer company or organization that uses short codes to send text and picture message content to consumers.
Who are Content Provders?
The CTIA defines a Content Provider (reseller) as the entity with a contractual relationship wih the Brand sending messages.
What happens to existing US short code leases on March 31, 2025, with the new required fields?
Short codes that are not updated with the requisite information within the timeframe will be subject to compliance audits and may be suspended or terminated.
Is there a cost to vetting US short code lease programs?
The cost of the vetting is covered by the short code monthly service payment. No additional fees.
Does a Brand and Content Provider have to be successfully vetted prior to being assigned to a short code, or having their lease extended?
Only Brands and Content Providers who receive a “successful” vetting status may be assigned a short code, or have their short code lease extended after March 31, 2025.
What are the vetting statuses received?
Vetting statuses include “Successful,” “Unsuccessful,” or “Incomplete”. For Unsuccessful and Incomplete status, additional explanations accompany the status update. “Incomplete” is given 10 business days to correct identified issue(s) and resubmit the vetting request.
What happens if the issues that triggered an “Incomplete” vet are not corrected?
If the identified issues are not sufficiently solved during the 10 business day time period, the vetting status will be updated from “Incomplete” to “Unsuccessful”.
What happens if there’s a vetting status of “Unsuccessful”?
If it’s the first time that the entity has received an “Unsuccessful” status, the Brand can request to pursue dispute resolution. Each entity submitted for vetting is limited to two “Unsuccessful” vetting statuses.
When transfering (migrating) an existing code, will the Brand transfer as well?
No, Brands will not be transferred from one Short Code Registrant to another.
What is the vetting process?
Once all the required information is submitted, the information is sent to a Vetting third-party for review. In most cases, the Vetting party targets deliering a vetting status report within three (3) business days.
- Short Codes that are “Successful” may lease or extend a short code lease.
- Short Codes that are “Incomplete” are permitted 10 business days to correct the submission data or they will be marked as Unsuccessful.
- Short Codes that are “Unsuccessful” have failed the vetting process and are permitted two attempts to appeal and correct the decision.
How to validate US Tax ID, organization/company name and address?
- Public business entities: Public business lookup (EDGAR)
- Nonprofit entities: IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search
- Private business entities: US private business lookup by state:
How to validate Canadian Tax ID, organization/company name and address:
- For entities in Canada, provide the first 9 numeric digits of the Business Number (BN-9) when providing Brand Client details.
- Canada business registries search
- Canada federal corporation search
How to validate European, Eastern Europe, North Atlantic, Middle East, South America, and APAC Tax ID, organization/company name and address:
- Europe: VIES VAT number validation - European Commission
- Australia: Australian Business Register (ABN) lookup Note: provide the ABN (Australian Business Number) not the ACN (Australian Company Number) as the Tax ID for brand registration purposes.
Articles in this section
- US Short Code Registry Leases – Brand & Content Provider Vetting Requirements
- How-To Complete the US Short Code Program Brief
- Can I add a template to my active Alerts shared short code campaign?
- Why did my PIN code get sent from a phone number?
- Can you receive inbound SMS on dedicated US short codes?
- How are STOP requests handled on the Alerts pre-approved short code?
- US Dedicated Short Code
- Do we always use short codes for US 2FA and USSC?
- How many campaigns I can have on my account?
- Should I use Short Codes to send messages to the US?