JWT Tokens in the TokBox and Unified Environments JWT Tokens in the TokBox and Unified Environments

JWT Tokens in the TokBox and Unified Environments

Diksha Mishra


JWT Tokens in the Unified Environment are larger than those in the TokBox environment.

Applies To

  • Migrating from TokBox to the Unified Environment
  • Authentication with JWT Tokens


If JWT tokens are stored in a database, reviewing and updating the field size (to 900 chars) in the database schema to accommodate the increased token length is essential.

Failure to do so could result in errors or data truncation.

Please ensure that any database changes required to support the new token length are implemented accordingly before migrating from TokBox to the Unified Environment.


JWT tokens in the Unified environment are significantly longer, approximately 900 characters, compared to the 500-character tokens in the TokBox environment.


Additional Information

If you would like more information, please refer to our developer docs on JWT tokens in the unified portal.