To provide an overview of Single Peer Connection (SPC), its benefits, and instructions on how to enable it in various client SDKs for Video API sessions.
Applies To
- Video API
- Single Peer Connection
Starting from version 2.28.0 of the client SDKs for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux, routed sessions now support Single Peer Connection (SPC). SPC is also available in the React Native SDK starting from version 2.28.1 and in the JS client SDK from version 2.29.0.
When SPC is enabled (disabled by default), all subscriber streams for a client are delivered through a single connection to the OpenTok Media Router.
SPC offers several benefits, including reduced resource consumption on the client, enhanced rate control, and, for mobile native devices, the ability to support larger sessions.
Publishers (Sending Side): Each publisher (the sources of media streams) establishes
its own PeerConnection to the OpenTok Media Router.
Subscriber (Receiving Side): The subscriber has a Single PeerConnection that receives
and handles the aggregated audio and video streams coming from the OpenTok Media Router.
You can enable SPC in the session using the following client SDK APIs in both Opentok and Unified environments.
Important: Please note that your App ID is your API key when using the unified environment.
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by setting the singlePeerConnection property of the options parameter of OT.initSession() to true when instantiating a Session object.
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
session = OT.initSession(apiKey, sessionId, {
singlePeerConnection: true
Android SDK
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by calling the setSinglePeerConnection() method of the Session.Builder object you use to instantiate a Session object:
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
session = new Session.Builder(this, apiKey, sessionId)
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by setting the SinglePeerConnection property of the OTSessionSettings object you pass into the [OTSession initWithApiKey:sessionId:delegate:settings:] method:
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
OTSessionSettings *settings = [[OTSessionSettings alloc] init];
settings.singlePeerConnection = true;
session = [[OTSession alloc] initWithApiKey:kApiKey
lazy var session: OTSession = {
let sessionSettings = OTSessionSettings()
sessionSettings.singlePeerConnection = true
return OTSession(apiKey: kApiKey, sessionId: kSessionId, delegate: self, settings: sessionSettings)!
Windows SDK
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by setting the SinglePeerConnection parameter of the Session() constructor:
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
Session = new Session.Builder(Context.Instance, API_KEY, SESSION_ID)
SinglePeerConnection = true
Linux SDK
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by calling the otc_session_settings_set_single_peer_connection() function.
The first parameter is the otc_session_settings instance you will pass into the otc_session_new_with_settings() function to initialize an otc_session instance. The second parameter is the SinglePeerConnection value.
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
otc_session_settings *session_settings = otc_session_settings_new();
otc_session *session = otc_session_new_with_settings(API_KEY,
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by calling the otc_session_settings_set_single_peer_connection() function.
The first parameter is the otc_session_settings instance you will pass into the otc_session_new_with_settings() function to initialize an otc_session instance. The second parameter is the SinglePeerConnection value.
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
otc_session_settings *session_settings = otc_session_settings_new();
otc_session *session = otc_session_new_with_settings(API_KEY,
React Native SDK
Enable the SinglePeerConnection by setting the enableSinglePeerConnection property of the options prop of the OTSession component to true.
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
enableSinglePeerConnection: true // Enable single peer connection, default is false
// ... other options
Additional Information
For more information on the Single Peer Connection feature, please refer to our developer docs and Blog post:
Vonage Video API Opentok Environment
Vonage Video API Unified Environment
Articles in this section
- What is Single Peer Connection (SPC) and How do I enable it?
- How do I enable or disable Scalable Video for my video project or application?
- What are the Vonage Video API network connectivity requirements?
- OpenTok Pre-Call test, Network test, and getStats() API
- Is there any way to test my network configuration?
- Can I use Vonage Video API in a restricted network environment?
- Is it possible to deploy a TURN server inside the corporate network or DMZ?
- Does Vonage Video API provide server infrastructure?
- What are the IP ranges for Vonage Video API servers?
- What is the minimum bandwidth requirement to use the Vonage Video API?