Why did I receive rejected status delivery receipts although my WhatsApp messages were delivered to enduser? Why did I receive rejected status delivery receipts although my WhatsApp messages were delivered to enduser?

Why did I receive rejected status delivery receipts although my WhatsApp messages were delivered to enduser?

Asha Chintaluru


Why did I receive rejected status webhooks although my WhatsApp messages were delivered to the end user?

Applies To

  • WhatsApp outbound Messages
  • Messages API


Sometimes customers may receive "rejected" status callbacks although the message is delivered. This is a very rare scenario and can happen where the end-user has multiple devices. If certain types of messages are not compatible with some of the user's linked devices such as Smartwatches, supported devices will send back the "delivered" webhook while non-supported devices will send back the "rejected" webhook due to feature-incapable.

If the user confirms they don't have any additional devices linked then please contact the support team.

Additional Information

Please see more information in the Facebook documentation.