Message Content Truncated in Dashboard Message Content Truncated in Dashboard

Message Content Truncated in Dashboard

Vonage API Support


Message content is truncated in the Dashboard.

Applies To

  • Account Dashboard
  • Messages


If you need to view the full message body, it is available in the message download report, or when querying using the Developer API.


Messages with over 50 consecutive characters without a space between them are truncated at 50 characters and suffixed with an ellipsis.

For example, ThisisalongmessagewithconsecutivecharacterssentusingVonage'sMessagingAPI would display as Thisisalongmessagewithconsecutivecharacterssentusi ... in your Vonage API account dashboard.

Whereas This is a long message with consecutive characters sent using Vonage's Messaging API would be displayed without being truncated.