Can I send SMS to landline numbers? Can I send SMS to landline numbers?

Can I send SMS to landline numbers?

Vonage API Support


Can I send SMS to landline, fixed line, or non-mobile numbers?

Applies To

  • Vonage SMS API
  • SMS
  • Landline Numbers


All outbound SMS to landline numbers sent via Vonage SMS API will fail automatically. This is because the majority of landline numbers globally cannot receive SMS. There are a small number of landline operators that will automatically generate a text-to-speech call with the content of the SMS sent, but this is not supported by the Vonage SMS API.

Additionally, it is advisable to verify destination numbers prior to message submission, to ensure the SMS is sent to a valid mobile number. Vonage can help with our Number Insight API.

Additional Information

For more information on implementing the Vonage Number Insight API, see Implementing Number Insight.