Create Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Re-Subscribe Bots for WhatsApp
Applies To
- Jumper
- Bot Builder, Broadcast
You must have the WhatsApp Business API (WABA) account connected to Jumper.ai.
Ways to get Opt-In from customers for WhatsApp Messages and mark them as subscribed users within Jumper.ai
It is recommended to seek consent from customers before broadcasting WhatsApp messages to them.
Within Jumper.ai
There are 2 methods to get opt-in consent from your customers under the Jumper.ai dashboard, i.e. via Live Chat & Bot Journey.
Via Live Chat:
The simplest way to ask a customer to opt in is when they’ve already reached out to you for support. Once the customer's inquiries have been addressed, your agent could inquire if they would be interested in subscribing to receive future notifications and updates via WhatsApp.
Under Live Chat, an agent can obtain consent from customers for opt-ins through direct conversation or via triggering the bot for the subscription.
Opt-in via Direct Conversation
Step 1: After addressing the customer queries, your agent can ask them if they’d like to opt-in to receive notifications and updates in the future over WhatsApp.
Step 2:
Once the customer provides consent, then the agent can mark the customer as a subscriber using Custom Data.
Mark subscribers via Custom Data, post getting consent.
Opt-in via sharing a Bot Journey
After addressing the customer queries, your agent can trigger a subscription bot to seek opt-in consent from the customer to receive notifications and updates in the future over WhatsApp.
Based on the customer’s input, the bot will mark the customer as subscribed or unsubscribed under the Custom Data field as defined under the bot flow.
Note: You need to create a subscription bot under bot builder to share with your customers & to get their consent. Refer to the Subscription bot flow steps below to create the same.
Once the bot is triggered, the opt-in consent request will be sent to the customer, under which they will get the option to choose between “Yes” & “No”.
Below is the sample message that shows how customers will receive an opt-in request within the bot.
You can also check your CRM dashboard to check the consent status of a customer.
Go to Customers >> Customers in the menu, then click on the eye icon for a customer to view the custom field details.
Via Bot:
You can get opt-in consent from your customers within the bot journey when they reach out to your WhatsApp Business account through different entry points such as wa.me link, WhatsApp Web Widget, QR Code, Click to WhatsApp Ads, and Facebook Page call-to-action buttons.
Under bot builder, when you create a WhatsApp bot flow, you can add a step to get opt-in consent from your customers within the flow.
Follow the below steps to create the same.
Step 1:
Under a bot flow add a step with the Quick reply message type.
Step 2:
Now add your template name & text to get consent for your opt-in request.
Step 3:
Now edit the quick reply button & rename it to “Yes”, add the same text under Custom action & click on the Save button. (You can skip the description if not needed)
Now add a new button by clicking on the +Add new option, then repeat the same & add the No button details. Now click of Save button for the same.
Step 4:
Now, under the Conditions section, click on Add a rule.
Then select the Check user input option & Select “Yes” in the dropdown.
Now click on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field option.
Now specify a field name & field value for the CRM field.
For e.g Field name: subscription & Field value: subscribed.
This will help you to identify customers who are subscribed to receive your templates while sending your broadcast.
Step 5:
Now click on the +Add new rule option & select the Check user input option for the second added rule.
Here, select the option “No” in the dropdown.
Now click on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field option.
Now specify the field name as “unsubscribetoallbot” & field value as “settrue” the CRM field.
Note: Please ensure that the field name and its corresponding value match exactly with the ones mentioned above. This will ensure that no future broadcast templates are sent to customers marked as unsubscribetoallbot.
Please note: In case you have a customer who has already subscribed & going through the bot again, you can set a condition to redirect them to another step in your bot flow.
Follow the below steps to do the same:
Step 1: Add a condition by clicking on the step above the opt-in request step (e.g. Sale greeting message), & click on Add a rule.
Step 2: Here under conditions, select the “Check if custom field and its value matches” option.
Step 3: No add the field name as subscription & field value as subscribed, then under the Go to option select the Thank you message step.
This will redirect the existing subscribed customers directly to the thank you message step(you can assign any step according to your business requirements) & this won’t initiate the opt-in request for the already subscribed customer.
Via Other Platforms
In case you have taken consent via other platforms, such as Websites, Google forms, Emails, CRM tools, etc, you can mark these customers as subscribed users in Jumper.ai Via Broadcast CSV OR Import WhatsApp contacts via CSV (under CRM dashboard)
Via Broadcast CSV
Under broadcast one can upload the list of subscribed customers using the CSV upload method, within this CSV file you can mark the customers as subscribed by adding custom data field columns & upload the same under broadcast while sending a broadcast for the first time to the customers who have given consent via other platforms outside Jumper.ai
Follow the below steps for the same.
Step 1: Go to Automations >> Broadcast & click on Create new broadcast option.
Step 2: Choose WhatsApp as messaging channel.
Then under settings, select the method “By uploading a CSV file with contacts”. Now click on the “here” link to download the sample CSV file.
Step 3: Now add your customer's details similar to the sample CSV format then add the column name & value (i.e. subscription: subscribed) for the customers who have provided consent for receiving notifications via other platforms.
For example, add the column name as subscription then enter the value as subscribed, this will add the custom data for the uploaded customer as subscription: subscribed.
Note: For WhatsApp Country code & mobile number are the mandatory fields.
Once you have sent the broadcast, the customs data (subscription: subscribed) will be added for the uploaded customers under broadcast.
Import WhatsApp contacts via CSV (under the Customers Section)
You can Import WhatsApp contacts via CSV under the Customers section on the Jumper.ai dashboard.
Download the sample CSV file, then add your customer details along with details for opt-in subscribers by marking them under Custom Data
For example, mark the Subscribed customer as “subscribed” under the add the custom data field column name as subscription & provide the details of their consent as subscribe under the custom data field column - subscription.
When you are ready with your contact's CSV file, you can click on the button “Upload CSV & import” to upload the file and import the contacts.
Once all contacts are imported, check after approximately 30-45 mins to see all your newly imported contacts!
Subscribe Bot
For Subscription Bot, follow the below steps
- Go to Automations >> Bot Builder.
- Here, click on the New Bot button.
- Now provide a name for your bot (e.g. subscription), then select WhatsApp channel under the list of sales channels & click on Save & start creating a bot.
- Click on the gear icon to add your bot trigger.
- Add the trigger keyword as “subscribe” or a relative keyword according to your business requirements, so that when a customer sends the subscribe text to your WhatsApp business account it will auto-trigger the subscription bot.
- Now under message types, drag the Quick Reply message type onto the empty canvas. Then add your template name & text to get consent for your opt-in request.
Now edit the quick reply button & rename it to “Yes”, add the same text under Custom action & click on the Save button. (You can skip the description if not needed)
Now add a new button by clicking on the +Add new option, then repeat the same & add the No button details. Now click of Save button for the same.
- Under the Conditions section, click on Add a rule.
- Now click on the +Add condition & select the Check user input option, then select the Yes option in the dropdown.
- Now click on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field option.
- Now specify a field name & field value for the CRM field.
For e.g Field name: subscription & Field value: subscribed.
This will help you to identify customers who are subscribed to receive your templates while sending your broadcast. -
Now click on the +Add new rule option & select the Check user input option for the second added rule.
Here, select the option “No” in the dropdown then click on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field, now add the field name as “unsubscribetoallbot” & field value as “settrue”.
Note: Please ensure that the field name and its corresponding value match exactly with the ones mentioned above. This will ensure that no future broadcast templates are sent to customers marked as unsubscribetoallbot. -
In case you want to show a thank you message to your subscribed customers, simply drag a text message onto the vacant canvas.
Add a name for your step for easy identification, for e.g Thank you for subscribing (skippable), then add the congratulating text for your customer to thank them for subscribing.
You can also mention the trigger word that you will set for your unsubscribe bot “e.g. stop” in case the customer wants to opt out & stop receiving future updates.
In the below example, the ‘stop’ keyword is used as the trigger for the unsubscription bot. So when a subscriber types the ‘stop’ keyword it will trigger the unsubscribe bot. -
Now link the “Thank you for subscribing” step to your Go to step of the Yes option.
Similarly, you can add a message for unsubscribed customers & link them to the No option under Rule 2. (i.e. If they choose the No option) -
Now click on the Save button to save your bot details.
If you wish to make your bot published, simply toggle on the "Publish" option.
For Re-Subcribtion Bot, follow the below steps
- Go to Automations >> Bot Builder.
- Here, click on the New Bot button.
- Now provide a name for your bot e.g. Resubscribe, then select WhatsApp channel under the list of sales channels & click on Save & start creating the bot.
Click on the gear icon to add the new trigger keyword or change the existing keyword to “resubscribe”. This way you can easily share the keyword with your customers in case they want to resubscribe.
Now under message types, drag the Text message type onto the vacant canvas.
Click on the Text message card, to start editing the text. Add a name for your step for easy identification, for e.g Resubscribe (can be skipped), now add the greeting text for your customer for re-subscription. You can also add instructions for unsubscribing using the ‘stop’ trigger keyword, in case any customers want to stop receiving your broadcasts.
- Under the Conditions section click on Add a rule, then click on +Add operation & select the Remove CRM field option.
- Now specify the field name as “unsubscribetoallbot”.
Note: Please ensure that the field name matches exactly with the one mentioned above. This will ensure that future broadcast templates are sent to customers not marked as unsubscribetoallbot under the CRM field. - Now add another operation by clicking on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field option. Here specify a field name & field value for the CRM field.
For e.g Field name: subscription & Field value: subscribed. - Now click on the Save button to save your bot details.
If you wish to make your bot published, simply toggle on the "Publish" option.
For Unsubscribe Bot follow the below steps
1. Go to Automations >> Bot Builder.
2. Here, click on the New Bot button.
3. Now provide a name for your bot e.g. Unsubscribe, then select WhatsApp channel under the list of sales channels & click on Save & start creating bot.
4. Click on the gear icon to add the new trigger keyword or change the existing keyword to “stop”. This way you can easily share the keyword with your customers in case they want to stop receiving your broadcast.
5. Under message types, drag the Quick Replies message type onto the vacant canvas.
6. Click on the Quick Replies card, to start editing the text. Add a name for your step for easy identification, e.g. Unsubscribe, now add the text for your customer for ending the subscription & click on the Quick reply button to edit the button details.
7. Here, add a button name, (e.g. Resubscribe), then select the Start a bot flow option under Button action.
8. Now link the Resubscribe bot by clicking on Select & then click on Save.
Then click on the Save button.
9. Under the Conditions section, click on Add a rule.
10. Now click on the +Add operation & select Add/update CRM field option.
11. Now specify the field name as “unsubscribetoallbot” & field value as “settrue” the CRM field.
Note: Please ensure that the field name and its corresponding value match exactly with the ones mentioned above. This will ensure that no future broadcast templates are sent to customers who have been marked as unsubscribetoallbot.
12. Now add another operation by clicking on the +Add operation & select the Remove CRM field option. Here specify a field name for the CRM field as “subscription”
13. Now click on the Save button to save your bot details.
If you wish to make your bot published, simply toggle on the "Publish" option.
Know how to send Broadcasts to your subscribed customers by adding filters to the Custom field.
To send a broadcast to your customers, first, you would need to create a subscription template under Sales channels >> WhatsApp.
Notes: You will be charged for any customers who receive the template message after 24 hours of interaction. Read more about Conversation-Based Pricing.
To know more about Messaging Limits check here - Quality Rating and Messaging Limits - WhatsApp Business Platform
Know how to set up WhatsApp template messages.
Read more about WhatsApp guidelines on message templates.
Follow the below steps to create a WhatsApp Template.
1. First, go to Sales channels >> WhatsApp & click on Message templates.
2. Now click on Create new template.
3. Now add a name for your template (e.g. friday_offer), select the template type as Marketing & add your preferred language under Template Language.
Note: Avoid using capital letters & spaces for template name, instead use “_”. e.g friday_offer.
4. If you wish to add a Header, choose the media type for your Header & add the required details. You can skip this step if not required, as Header is optional.
Note: You would need to upload a sample file for Image, Video & File, which you can upload again later while sending the template.
Post uploading the media type you will get a confirmation as the Sample image uploaded!
5. Now under Body, add your text for the subscription template & click on the +Add new option to add a button. On the right, you can also view the preview of your message.
6. Now add a name for your button & select the Open a website option, now add your offer link under Enter a URL section & click on Submit. So when customers click on this button, they will be redirected to the offer page link.
You can also choose between Static & Dynamic URL types.
7. Under the Footer, you can mention the instruction to unsubscribe for your customers.
The character limit is 60 for the Footer text.
8. Post adding all your details for the template, and click on Save.
9. Once your template is approved post-saving, you can create a broadcast & select the template to share with your customers. The template status will take a few seconds to update the status from pending.
Note: In case of rejection, you will get notified of the reason for rejection in your email. Then you have to create a new template for the broadcast.
Read more about WhatsApp guidelines on message templates.
Sending Broadcast
Post approval of your WhatsApp template, you can send the template across your customer via Broadcast to your subscribed customers.
Follow the below step to create a broadcast for subscribed customers.
1. Go to Automations >> Broadcast & click on Create Broadcast.
2. Now add a name for your template (e.g. Friday Offer) & select WhatsApp under Messaging Channels.
3. Now select the created template under Create message.
4. Now under Settings, select the option By selecting filters from below, then click on +Condition and select the Custom field option.
5. Now you can filter your customers for broadcast using custom fields.
Using Custom field
Under the Custom field condition, you need to specify the required Property & Value to filter your customers for the broadcast. E.g. subscription:subscribed
This will filter all the customers who have subscribed to the channel & are marked as subscribed using the subscription bot.
Note: In case you do not select the custom field filter as subscription:subscribed, then the broadcast will be sent to all customers except those who have been marked as “unsubscribetoallbot”.
6. To get the count of filtered customers, click the Get the Count option.
7. Under the Scheduling section, you can specify when you want your broadcast to be sent, here you can choose between Send now or Send later options.
Send now: Will send the broadcast right away to the targeted customers.
Send later: You can schedule your broadcast to happen on your specified date and time.
8. Once you are done with creating and scheduling your broadcast, click on Save & send.
9. If your customer list is too large, it will take time to execute the broadcast throughout all your customers, you can always check your broadcast status under the STATUS column.
You can also download the targeted customer list for your created broadcasts under the TARGETED CUSTOMERS (CSV) column by clicking on Download CSV Or clicking on Broadcast outcome to view the statuses for each of your customers.
Articles in this section
- How to Send Personalised Media Messages Using Message Variables in the Bot Builder
- Create Subscribe, Unsubscribe and Re-Subscribe Bots for WhatsApp
- Bot Builder - How to view & extract Bot data ?
- Bot Builder - Custom Payload as a bot trigger
- Bot Builder - Organizing your Bots by creating Folders
- Bot Builder - How to Set a Bot on Autostart?
- Bot Builder - Settings overview
- Bot Builder - How to Test your Bot
- Bot Builder - How To End your Bot
- Bot Builder - Rules (Conditions & Operations)