Live Captions API pricing rules Live Captions API pricing rules

Live Captions API pricing rules

Julia Dolgoszyja


How does the Live Captions API pricing work?

Applies To

  • Live Captions API


Live Captions API is charged based on the number of audio streams of participants (or StreamIDs) that are sent for transcription.  

  • Usage cost is based on the duration of each participant’s audio being sent to the transcription endpoint @ $0.025 per minute/participant.
  • Unit of Metric - Live Captions Minutes

Case 1

(A) participant in a call 

(A) publishes captions 

(A) subscribes to captions of (A)


  1. 30 minutes call 
  2. Publish time (A): 01 minutes and Stop time (A): 28 minutes
  3. Total live captions minutes: 27 minutes

Case 2

(A) & (B) are participants in a call 

(A) publishes captions 

(B) publishes captions 

(A) subscribes to captions of (B)
(B) subscribes to captions of (A)


  1. 30 minutes call 
  2. Publish time (A): 01 minutes and Stop time (A): 28 minutes
  3. Total for (A): 27 minutes 
  4. Publish time (B) : 00 minutes and Stop time (B) : 30 minutes
  5. Total for (B): 30 minutes 
  6. Total live captions minutes for A&B = 27+30 minutes 


Case 3

(A), (B) & (C) are participants in a call 

(A) publishes captions 

(B) publishes captions 

(C) does not publish

(A) subscribes to captions of (B, C)
(B) subscribes to captions of (A, C)

(C) subscribes to captions of (A, B)


  1. 30 minutes call 
  2. Publish time (A): 01 minutes and Stop time (A): 28 minutes
  3. Total for (A): 27 minutes 
  4. Publish time (B): 00 minutes and Stop time (B): 30 minutes
  5. Total for (B): 30 minutes 
  6. (C) does not publish. (C) only subscribes 
  7. Total live captions minutes for A&B&C = 27+30+0 minutes