How can I calculate pricing for Audio Connector/Connect API? How can I calculate pricing for Audio Connector/Connect API?

How can I calculate pricing for Audio Connector/Connect API?

Vonage API Support


Calculating usage and pricing for Audio Connector/Connect API.

Applies To

  • Audio Connector/Connect API
  • Usage
  • Pricing


The Audio Connector is charged based on the number of audio streams of participants (or StreamIDs) that are being sent to the WebSocket server. 

    • Usage cost is based on the duration of each call to a Connect end-point (WebSocket) @ $0.005 per minute/participant.
    • Unit of Metric - Audio connector minutes

Use Case

How to calculate usage?


Pricing (SSM)

Pricing (PPM)

Audio Connector 

Number audio connector minutes = n x duration of the audio streaming

(where n is the number of participants (streamIDs) publishing to the the audio connector end-point)

Case 1

A 30-minute session with 2 participants with one participant publishing to audio connector end-point

Total price 

Audio Connector min = 1x 30 min


Total SSM = 2x30 subscribed min = 60 min

Total price

Audio Connector  min = 1x 30 min


Total PPM = 2x30 = 60 participant min

Case 2

A 30-minute session with 3 participants publishing to audio connector end-point

Total price

Audio Connector min = 3x30 min


(Session usage)

Total SSM = [(3 x 30) + (3 x 30)] = 180 min subscribed min


Total price

Audio Connector min = 3x30 min


(Session usage)

Total PPM = 3x30 = 90 participant minutes



Case 1

Single participant (A) in a call (A opens one WebSocket connection)

  1. Total duration of the call : 30 minutes
  2. Start time of audio connector : 01 minutes
  3. Stop time of audio connector : 28 minutes
  4. Total billable audio connector minutes : 28 - 1= 27 minutes 

Case 2

Two (A&B) participants in the call (A and B open 2 separate WebSocket connections )

  1. Total duration of the call :  30 minutes 
  2. Start time of audio connector (A) : 01 minutes
  3. Stop time of audio connector (A) : 28 minutes
  4. Billable audio connector minutes (A): 27 minutes 
  5. Start time of audio connector (B) : 00 minutes
  6. Stop time of audio connector (B) : 30 minutes
  7. Billable audio connector minutes (B) : 30 minutes 
  8. Total billable audio connector minutes for A&B = 27+30  = 57 minutes 

Case 3

Two (A&B) participants in call (A and B uses the same WebSocket connection )

  1. Total duration of the call : 30 minutes
  2. Start time of audio connector (A) : 00 minutes
  3. Stop time of audio connector (A) : 30 minutes
  4. Billable audio connector minutes (A) : 30 minutes 
  5. Start time of audio connector (B) : 00 minutes
  6. Stop time of audio connector (B) : 30 minutes
  7. Billable audio connector minutes (B) : 30 minutes 
  8. Total billable audio connector minutes for A&B = 30+30 = 60 minutes

Case 4

Two (A&B) participants in the call (A opens WebSocket connection but B does not open a WebSocket connection)

  1. Total duration of the call : 30 minutes
  2. Start time of audio connector (A) : 00 minutes
  3. Stop time of audio connector (A) : 30 minutes
  4. Billable audio connector minutes (A) : 30 minutes 
  5. Billable audio connector minutes (B) : 0  (B did not open a WS connection)
  6. Total billable audio connector minutes for A&B = 30 + 0 = 30 minutes