Managing CSV/Excel reports & exports Managing CSV/Excel reports & exports

Managing CSV/Excel reports & exports

Maria Scieranska


Managing CSV/Excel report & exports.

Applies To

  • Jumper
  • Reports


On dashboard, you can find CSV/Excel exports section, where you can generate and export data for Orders, Sale report, Customer & Team members.

  1. Under quick links, you will find the CSV/Excel exports section, under which you can export order reports, sale report, customer’s data and team member info.


  2. To export any of the following options, simply click on any of the options, you will find a pop up where you need to specify your format and delimiter. (Date range option is available only for Orders.)

  3. By clicking on download, you can generate & export a filtered data report.

    Here’s a sample of Exported CSV file for orders. csv3.png