You are experiencing issues with screen sharing when using the Vonage Video API over Google Chrome.
Applies To
- Video API
- Screen Sharing
- Google Chrome
When users are having problems getting screen sharing to successfully work on Google Chrome, there are a few things they can do to troubleshoot the issue.
- Make sure that you have added an extension that enables publishing screen-sharing streams for your domain.
- Make sure that your page is loaded over HTTPS. Google Chrome (and all other browsers) requires the page to be loaded over HTTPS in order to publish a screen-sharing stream.
- Follow the instructions on GitHub for Testing Your Unpacked Extension.
- Follow the instructions on Google Chrome Developer for Loading the Extension. After this is complete, you should see that the extension is added in chrome://extensions. You will be required to use this ID in the screen sharing html file as the extensionId.
- Check the Matches section of the manifest.json file. Ensure that Matches is set to your own domains only. More information can be found on GitHub.
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