Troubleshooting Screen Sharing Issues in Google Chrome Troubleshooting Screen Sharing Issues in Google Chrome

Troubleshooting Screen Sharing Issues in Google Chrome

Maria Scieranska


You are experiencing issues with screen sharing when using the Vonage Video API over Google Chrome.

Applies To

  • Video API
  • Screen Sharing
  • Google Chrome


When users are having problems getting screen sharing to successfully work on Google Chrome, there are a few things they can do to troubleshoot the issue.

  1. Make sure that you have added an extension that enables publishing screen-sharing streams for your domain.
  2. Make sure that your page is loaded over HTTPS. Google Chrome (and all other browsers) requires the page to be loaded over HTTPS in order to publish a screen-sharing stream.
  3. Follow the instructions on GitHub for Testing Your Unpacked Extension.
  4. Follow the instructions on Google Chrome Developer for Loading the Extension. After this is complete, you should see that the extension is added in chrome://extensions. You will be required to use this ID in the screen sharing html file as the extensionId.
  5. Check the Matches section of the manifest.json file. Ensure that Matches is set to your own domains only. More information can be found on GitHub.