Discounts on - An introduction Discounts on - An introduction

Discounts on - An introduction

Jessica Chapin


What kind of discounts can I provide my customers in

Applies To

  • Jumper
  • Discounts


With a robust module on Discounts and Promotions, it is important to understand the basics of what is possible and what it means. When discussing Promotions and Discounts, we may use the term Discounts to refer to them collectively.

Types of Discounts

In Jumper, we have three types of discounts that can be created:

Type Description
Automatic Apply automatically to the order if the conditions set-up are satisfied, for example, Min order >= 500.

The user (or agent if it's assisted cart creation) needs to enter a code to apply the discount to the order, for example, TAKE10OFF.

Agent Only Discounts only the agent can apply. These will not be shown to the user and it is at the discretion of the agent to give such discounts, for example, Birthday Discount.

Discount Conditions

Drive the average order or cart value up, or push items on certain days by giving different kinds of discounts based on certain conditions.


Define a period when the discount will be applicable. Within the period, you can also limit it to a particular day of week, for example, Discounts applicable for Monday’s only, between Mar 1 and Mar 30.

Order Amounts (Tiers)

Apply the discounts based on order amounts, and define different tiers by creating multiple discounts for different minimum and maximum amounts.

All Items with Exclusions

Discount applies on any item except if any of the excluded item is in the cart.

Selected Items

Discount only applies if one of the selected item is in the cart.

Discount Offer

So what are you giving to the customer? Some free gifts (also referred to as GWP)? Or an amount off? Or a percentage off? All of these can be configured with an additional offer of a Shipping discount.

% Off

As the name suggest, give a certain percentage off on the order (or item). For discount condition of Selected items, you have a choice to apply the discount at an item level or order level. Item level discount will apply the percentage off only on the value of that item, whereas order level will apply on the subtotal of the full cart.

Flat Off

Give a certain value off, e.g., $10 or RM10 off. Same as percentage off, for discounts applying on Selected items, you have a choice to apply the discount at an item level or order level. Item level discount will apply the percentage off only on the value of that item, whereas order level will apply on the subtotal of the full cart.

Free Item

Select the item you wish to give for free if the discount applies. You can select one item, multiple items, or multiple quantities of an item. You can configure it in a way where the Customer can choose X out of Y free items you are offering (for example, Choose 2 out of 5 free items). Note: The Free items should also be part of your product catalogue.

Stackable Discounts

One of our latest enhancements to Discounts allow stacking of discounts so you can give more than one discount to the customer should the conditions meet. However, it is important to note with stackable discounts, the following logic applies on how the discounts are applied

Application Logic of Discounts

  1. Apply manual discount prompt (if any active and entered by user).
  2. If manual discount is stackable, move to Step 3. Non-stackable, no additional discounts can apply.
  3. Apply flat or percentage off at item/cart level.
  4. Apply flat or percentage off at order level. Condition amount to be calculated after calculating total by applying point 3.
  5. Apply every GWP (item/order level). Condition amount to be calculated after calculating total by applying point 4.
  6. Apply shipping discount.