How to Configure Session Monitoring Callbacks How to Configure Session Monitoring Callbacks

How to Configure Session Monitoring Callbacks

Vonage API Support


Configuring session monitoring callbacks to receive real-time session events for your Vonage Video API projects and monitor your session activity from your app server.

Applies To

  • Vonage Video API
  • Projects
  • Session Monitoring


How to recognize if I'm using Vonage Video API Unified Environment or Vonage Video API OpenTok environment?

Session monitoring callback URLs can be configured within the account portal. Whenever a Session event is detected, such as a connection is created or destroyed, or a stream is created or destroyed, A HTTP POST request is issued from the Vonage API infrastructure to your registered callback URL.

Procedure for Vonage Video API Opentok Environment

To register a callback:

  1. Log in to your Vonage Video API Account.
  2. From the left menu, choose the desired Account.
  3. Select a Project for which you want to register a session monitoring callback.
  4. Scroll down to Project Settings.
  5. Under Session Monitoring, click on the button.
  6. Configure the callback URL and submit.
  7. A popup with callback URL configured will appear if the callback is successfully registered.
  8. If the registered callback URL cannot be reached, a popup with Configuration failure will appear. Double-check your callback URL and the server hosting the URL and Retry.

To remove the registered callback:

  1. Under Session Monitoring, click Remove.
  2. Click Confirm Removal to remove the configured session monitoring callback.

Note: The callback URL can be configured by the registered Admin or Developer of your Vonage  API account. 

Procedure for Vonage Video API Unified Environment

To register a callback:

  1. Log in to your Vonage API account dashboard.
  2. From the left menu, select Applications 
  3. Select the application and click on Edit or click on Create a new application 
  4. Scroll down to Capabilities
  5. Go to video Capabilities and select the toggle to enable.
  6. Use the callback URL for session monitoring Live updates of session events.
  7. After configuring the URL you can click on generate the new application.

Additional Information

For additional information about Session monitoring, see our developer documentation on Session Monitoring.

For Vonage Video API Opentok Environment

For Vonage Video API Unified Environment