10DLC - Request an external vetting via the dashboard 10DLC - Request an external vetting via the dashboard

10DLC - Request an external vetting via the dashboard

10DLC Product Manager

Quick access:


Please make sure you have read our 10DLC brand registration guide as well as our 10DLC brand verification requirements article before proceeding.


Step 1 - Login to our dashboard

Login to our dashboard and and navigate to the brands and campaigns section:


Select one of your brands


Then navigate to the vetting tab

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Step 2 - Register a new 10DLC brand

Select "Apply for vetting"

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A box appears, first select the vetting provider, then the class (or type) of the vetting you need:

vetting 3.png

When done, apply to send the request

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A confirmation box appears

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Political vetting requests

When requesting a political vetting, you will be prompted to enter additional information related to your political entity

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If you need assistance to fill in this form please check our brand verification requirements page.


Step 3 - Confirm the application

Your vetting is now listed on your brand. Note that the vetting will be "pending" until completed

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Congratulations, you have requested an external vetting for your brand.


What happens next?

Your vetting request will be processed by the vetting provider selected. Depending on the type of vetting requested, the time for the vetting to be completed can vary:

  • Typically between two hours and two weeks for standard vets
  • Typically more than six weeks for enhanced vets
  • Political vets are more likely to take a longer time to process, similar to enhanced vets


Once completed, your vet appears active

Vetting 11.png


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