10DLC - Verify a sole proprietor brand 10DLC - Verify a sole proprietor brand

10DLC - Verify a sole proprietor brand

10DLC Product Manager

Quick access:


Before starting, have you read the 10DLC guide of guides, as well as our brand registration guide and our brand requirement article?


Once you have registered your sole proprietor brand with 10DLC, your brand has successfully passed the first verification step. You now have a brand identity status "unverified". In order to register your sole proprietor campaign, you will need to complete a One-Time Password (OTP) verification.

The OTP verification process is a mechanism by which The Campaign Registry (TCR) validates the mobile phone provided during the registration, to ensure that you are a real person, living in the United States or Canada.


To proceed, please follow the instructions below, either via our dashboard, or leveraging our API endpoints.


Vonage dashboard

Please open our dashboard, then navigate to your newly registered sole proprietor brand. Under the "Brand Validation" tab, you can see a notice to proceed to the OTP verification (verify your phone number):


You should receive a text message within a few minutes, then:




After submitting the code, it may take a few seconds to update your brand identity status to "verified":




API endpoints

When using our API endpoints, you will need to follow the steps as explained below.


Trigger the OTP verification

POST https://api-eu.vonage.com/v1/10dlc/brands/:brand_id/start_verification
  • You will receive a 6 digits pin code via SMS
  • You have 24 hours to call the next endpoint to complete the verification


Complete the OTP verification

POST https://api-eu.vonage.com/v1/10dlc/brands/:brand_id/verify
"otp_pin" = "123456"
  • You will receive a confirmation text
  • The brand identity status is set to "verified"


Confirming the OTP verification status

By calling this endpoint, you can confirm the completion of the OTP verification

GET https://api-eu.vonage.com/v1/10dlc/brands/:brand_id/verification/:reference_id

The payload return will contain

"brand_id": "string",
"reference_id": "OTP1234567",
"mobile_phone": "12023339999",
"request_date": "2023-03-20T14:23:32.451Z",
"verity_date": "2023-03-20T14:23:32.451Z",
"delivery_status": "DELIVERED_HANDSET",
"delivery_status_date": "2023-03-20T14:23:32.451Z",
"delivery_status_details": "2023-03-20T14:23:32.451Z"


The possible delivery statuses are:

Delivery status Description

Delivered Gateway

The SMS has been delivered to a carrier gateway. This may be a final state depending on the destination network
In Transit The SMS delivery is in progress
Delivered Handset The SMS has been delivered to the mobile device. This is a final state
Failed Routing The SMS cannot be routed based on the provided phone number. This is a final error state
Failed Expired The SMS expired during the delivery. This is a final error state
Failed Blocked The SMS is blocked by the service provider or mobile network. This is a final error state
Failed Unknown Unknown failure. This is a final error state
Unknown Status

Status unrecognized by TCR.

Please refer to the "delivery_status_details" for a textual description. Final state undetermined

null value The SMS service provider hasn't provided any SMS delivery status for the given transaction


The "verify_date" is the date at which the OTP check was officially completed. If the date is missing, the OTP check has not been completed.


Note for resellers

If you create Sole Proprietor brands and campaigns on behalf of your customers, you may want to use personalized templated messages and verification flow for the OTP checks.

The first endpoint offers the option to specify the template of the SMS sent, and the mechanism to verify

POST https://api-eu.vonage.com/v1/10dlc/brands/:brand_id/start_verification
"verify_sms" = "This is your registration confirmation pin: @OTP_PIN@",
"success_sms" = "Congratulations! Your brand is now verified"

Both those attributes are optional and will default to a Vonage branded template.

There are two types of OTP verification:


Option 1 - OTP verification via Pin-Code

TCR sends a 6 digits code (valid 24h) that the brand owner must return to you so you can trigger the second endpoint with the pin code.

Macro to use in the "verify_sms" attribute: @OTP_PIN@

example: "This is your registration confirmation pin: @OTP_PIN@"


Option 2 - OTP verification via reply SMS

TCR sends an SMS to the brand owner requesting them to reply "YES" to confirm the brand creation

There is no need to call the second endpoint as there is no temporary pin code. The recipient has 24h to reply to the SMS.

Macro to use in the "verify_sms" attribute: @OTP_YES@

Example: "Please confirm your registration by replying @OTP_YES@"