Setting up Policies & Consent
Applies To
- Jumper
- Policies
Policy consent is prompted only once to all users in the conversation/bot flow, unless you update your policies and save them as ‘Save as new version’ in policy settings.
- You will find 4 type of methods to take privacy consent from your users, you can choose any one option among these -
Auto-agree - In this method, the conversation/bot flow will auto proceed by displaying one text message. You can provide your privacy policy/terms link in the message below(refer to the image).
Explicit consent - In this method, a user is required to click on the button to provide consent, before continuing with the conversation/bot flow, provide your privacy policy link in the text message. In case if a user does not click the button to provide consent or enters something else, you can set a fallback message to let users know they have to click on proceed to move forward.
(Note: An error message will be shown until the user clicks the button. The message can be edited as shown below.)
Auto-agree with link in button - In this method, the conversation/bot flow will auto proceed by displaying one text message, along with a button linked to the privacy policy/terms link provided, for this you need to provide your privacy policy link in the Privacy consent section or the user will get redirected to an empty link.
Once you have added the privacy policy link, the ‘View Policy’ button will redirect users to the above added link. Now add the text for the policy message.
Explicit consent with link in button - In this method, a user is provided with 2 buttons, first with a button linked to the privacy policy/terms link provided in the Privacy consent section, you need to provide your privacy policy link here or the user will get redirected to an empty link.Second button is for consent, the user is required to click on the ‘Proceed’ button to provide consent, before continuing with the conversation/bot flow. In case if a user does not click the button to provide consent or enters something else, you can set a fallback message to let users know they have to click on ‘Proceed’ to move forward.
- While Saving your changes, you will find 2 options for saving.
Select "Save as new version" option, if you have updated your policies or terms and require consent from every user (including those who have previously provided consent).
If you are just updating the message copy, and do not require consent again, just click the "Save" option. - In the Privacy policy section, you can add your text for your policies. You can view how the text will appear for the users on the right. Click on save once you have added your text.
(Note: You can add your policy link to your message template or Privacy consent section by adding ‘policy/privacy’ to your store URL link. example ‘https://yourstore.jumper.ai/policy/privacy’)
- Follow the same steps for Shipping policy and Refund policy as Privacy policy.
(Note: To view your saved shipping and refund policy, add ‘/policy/shipping’ and ‘/policy/refund’ to your store URL link, example ‘https://yourstore.jumper.ai/policy/shipping’ , ‘https://yourstore.jumper.ai/policy/refund’).