Which IP addresses should I allow for SIP interconnect when using Video API? Which IP addresses should I allow for SIP interconnect when using Video API?

Which IP addresses should I allow for SIP interconnect when using Video API?

Maria Scieranska


To mitigate possible attacks, it may be required to whitelist specific IP addresses from Opentok SIP. Where do I find the list of IP blocks Opentok uses?

Applies To

  • SIP Interconnect


The entire IP whitelist block must be whitelisted to ensure proper SIP interconnect functionality. The IP whitelist can be found for Enterprise customers only in the account portal under settings (https://tokbox.com/account/#/settings), then scroll down to 'Allowed IPs.' For information on accessing the whitelist block, if you are a managed account, please contact your account manager. Otherwise, please get in touch with our sales team.

Additional Information

Be aware that TokBox can add new IP blocks in the future, and you will need to change your configuration.