What issues are commonly seen when using the Windows SDK? What issues are commonly seen when using the Windows SDK?

What issues are commonly seen when using the Windows SDK?

Maria Scieranska


What issues are most commonly seen when using the Vonage Video Windows SDK?

Applies To

  • Video API
  • Windows SDK


Windows Application Runs on Development PC but Not on Test PC

Ensure that the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 is installed on the test PC. We recommend installing both the x86 version and the x64 version on the machine. When using an installer, add both the the x86 version and the x64 version as installer packages.

Media Foundation DLLs Not Available on All Windows Versions

Information on this is available in this Reddit thread.

USB Camera Not Detected or Not Functioning

We use a blacklist of USB cameras from Google Chrome. If the USB camera is on that list then it will be filtered out by the SDK.