Cloud Runtime Frequently Asked Questions Cloud Runtime Frequently Asked Questions

Cloud Runtime Frequently Asked Questions

Maria Scieranska


  1. Where can I find getting started guides for Cloud Runtime?
  2. Can I debug my application in real-time?
  3. Where can I find the logs?
  4. What server platforms are supported by Cloud Runtime?
  5. Where can I find samples for Vonage API Services?
  6. How can I store persistent data on my instances?
  7. Is Cloud Runtime secure and what are the best practices?
  8. What is the credential not found error?
  9. How do running applications that are deployed from Code Hub updated?

Applies To

  • Cloud Runtime


Where can I find getting started guides for Cloud Runtime?

You can find the getting started guide for Cloud Runtime and Code Hub on the Vonage developer documentation

Can I debug my application in real-time?

Yes, Using the Cloud Runtime debugger you can debug your application code while still using all the Cloud Runtime features such as state and providers. Learn more on the Vonage developer documentation 

Where can I find the logs?

You can find the logs for your deployed instance on the API Dashboard 

What server platforms are supported by Cloud Runtime?

Cloud Runtime supports Node, PHP, Java, Dotnet, Ruby, and Python as runtimes. You can use the frameworks that you are familiar with within those runtimes, for example you can use Express.JS in Node, FastAPI in Python, and Spring in Java. Learn more on the Vonage developer documentation.

Where can I find samples for Vonage API Services?

All Vonage samples and templates can be reviewed on our Code Hub library. There you will also find the guides to utilise them.

How can I store persistent data on my instances?

Cloud Runtime has a State provider which offers key/value storage with support for maps and lists. Learn more on the Vonage developer documentation 

Is Cloud Runtime secure and what are the best practices?

Cloud Runtime uses industry best practices to keep your code and data secure. Cloud Runtime has a secret manager which you should use to keep sensitive information private.

What is the credential not found error?

Cloud Runtime manages your private key pair for your Vonage API Application, which is stored per region. So if you have changed the region in your configuration file or are using a Vonage API Application not created with Cloud Runtime (via Code Hub or the CLI) you may see this error. To fix this error run the vcr app generate-keys  command and supply your application ID and updated region as flags.

How do running applications that are deployed from Code Hub updated?

Currently applications deployed via Code Hub can only be updated by deploying a new version. To deploy a new version, visit the product page on Cloud Runtime and check the releases section to see if a newer version is available. If so, you can deploy or create a new workspace from the product landing page. 


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