How do I know if my camera supports FHD? How do I know if my camera supports FHD?

How do I know if my camera supports FHD?

Maria Scieranska


To check if you have a camera in your system that supports FHD(1080p)

Applies To

  • Vonage Video API
  • Resolution
  • FHD


Users can check the manufacturer information for a specific device or built-in camera to confirm if the camera supports FHD(1080p).

You can use the following code in the browser console or include it inside your application and this will warn if the camera can't capture FHD(1080p).

const constraints = {
audio: true,
video: {
width: {
min: 1920
height: {
min: 1080
let stream;
try {
stream = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
} catch (err) {
// console.log(err)
if ( === 'OverconstrainedError') {
console.warn('1080p is not supported on this camera');

Alternatively, you can also check for overConstrained errors on the browser level using the following utility to scan the camera and verify if it supports FHD(1080p) or not:

Additional Information

For additional information, refer to our developer docs on the 1080p resolution.