How long does Vonage retry inbound messages for the SMS, Messages and Dispatch APIs? How long does Vonage retry inbound messages for the SMS, Messages and Dispatch APIs?

How long does Vonage retry inbound messages for the SMS, Messages and Dispatch APIs?

Nexmo Support


How long does Vonage retry inbound messages on the Messages and Dispatch APIs?

Applies To

  • Messages API
  • Dispatch API
  • Callback Retry


Your handler must return a 200 status code to avoid unnecessary callback queuing. Customer webhooks that respond with HTTP 429 or HTTP 5xx response will be attempted again by Vonage. Each inbound event/message is treated and retried individually (no queueing per API Key, for example). It is an exponential backoff that retried initially after 5 seconds, and the delay doubles on every retry until it reaches 15 minutes and then keeps that frequency. After 24 hours, the messages are discarded.