Error 15 on Verify API V1 Request Error 15 on Verify API V1 Request

Error 15 on Verify API V1 Request

Support Team


When sending a Verify API V1 (Legacy) request, I receive error code 15.

Applies To


Managed customers sending high volumes should contact the account manager to unblock access to restricted countries.


If you receive error code 15 in response to all your Verify API V1 requests to one of the following countries, then it is likely due to access being restricted.

High-Risk Countries Where Verify Access is Restricted

ISO Country Code Country
AF Afghanistan
AG Antigua / Barbuda
AI Anguilla
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AO Angola
AW Aruba
BB Barbados
BF Burkina Faso
BI Burundi
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BZ Belize
CD Congo, Dem. Rep. of (former Zaire)
CF Central African Republic
CG Congo
CI Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
CM Cameroon
DJ Djibouti
DM Dominica
DZ Algeria
GA Gabonese Republic
GD Grenada
GH Ghana
GM Gambia
GN Guinea
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HT Haiti
IQ Iraq
JM Jamaica
KM Comoros
KN St. Kitts/Nevis
KY Cayman Islands
LC St. Lucia
LR Liberia
MC Monaco
ME Montenegro
MG Madagascar
MK Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Rep of.)
ML Mali Republic
MR Mauritania
MS Montserrat
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MZ Mozambique
NE Niger
PG Papua New Guinea
PS Palestinian Settlements
PW Palau
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles Republic
SL Sierra Leone
SN Senegal
SO Somali Democratic Republic
SS Republic of South Sudan
ST São Tomé and Principe
SV El Salvador
SX Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TD Chad
TG Togolese Republic
TJ Tajikistan
TL Timor-Leste
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga Islands
VC St. Vincent & Grenadines
VG British Virgin Islands
VU Vanuatu
WS Samoa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe

Additional Information

Verify works with both fixed or landline and mobile numbers in all countries around the world, excluding our list of high-risk countries, for which the service is unavailable. This is a part of our proactive measures to restrict certain countries where we have seen our customers being used as a middleman for conducting illicit activities.